From our farm, right to you…
Hive Five Farm is a family run business, led by husband and wife- Joe and Ashleigh. Joe is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and Ashleigh is a former teacher- now both farmers!
We have lived on our growing farm for almost seven years. We have always had a dream of living off of our beautiful farm property in Midland, Virginia. We find great joy in raising our black welsh mountain sheep, horses, dogs, and five children. While this keeps us busy for certain, we still knew there was so much more that our land could offer us- enter flowers.
Growing fresh produce for our family has always been a passion, and even that has been over shadowed with the desire to fill the garden with gorgeous “companion” flowers. That desire is now combined with our dream of living off of our land- by growing fresh, chemical free, farm flowers for you. From our farm, right to you!